C I A C 2000

4th Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity
March 1-3, 2000 Rome, Italy
- Reconstruction of Discrete Sets from Three or More X-Rays
E. Barcucci, S. Brunetti (Un. of Firenze), A. Del Lungo (Un. of Siena) and M. Nivat (Un. Denis Diderot 2)
- An Efficient Algorithm for the Approximation Median Selection Problem
S. Battiato, D. Cantone, D. Catalano, G. Cincotti (Un. of Catania) and M. Hofri (WPI)
- The On-Line TSP against Fair Adversaries
M. Blom (Tech. Un. of Eindhoven), S. Krumke (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fur Inf. Berlin), W. De Paepe and L. Stouge (Tech. Un. of Eindhoven)
- Towards the Notion of Stability of Approximation Tasks and the Traveling Salesman Problem
H. Bockenhauer, J. Hromkovic, R. Klasing, S. Seibert and W. Unger (RWTH Aachen)
- On the Lovasz Number of Certain Circulant Graphs
V. Brimkov (East. Medit. Un.), B. Codenotti (CNR), V. Crespi (East. Medit. Un.) and M. Leoncini (CNR)
- QuickHeapsort, an efficient mix of classical sorting algorithms
D. Cantone and G. Cincotti (Un. of Catania)
- Extending the Implicit Computational Complexity Approach to the Sub-Elementary Time-Space Classes
E. Covino, G. Pani and S. Caporaso (Un. of Bari)
- On-line Strategies for Backups
P. Damaschke (Fern Un.)
- The Independence Number of Random Interval Graphs
W. F. De La Vega (Un. of Paris Sud)
- Approximating SVP to within Almost-Polynomial Factors is NP-Hard
I. Dinur (Un. of Tel-Aviv)
- Faster Exact Solutions for Max2Sat
J. Gramm and R. Niedermeier (Un. of Tubingen)
- Group Updates for Red-Black Trees
S. Hanke (Un. of Freiburg) and E. Soilason-Soininen (Helsinki Un. of Tech.)
- The On-Line Dial-A-Ride Problem under Reasonable Load
D. Hauptmeier, S. O. Krumke and J. Rambau (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fur Inf. Berlin)
- Modified Binary Searching for Static Tables
D. Merlini , R. Sprugnoli and M. C. Verri ((Un. of Firenze)
- Dynamically Maintaining the Widest k-dense Corridor
S. C. Nandy (Indian Statistical Inst.), T. Asano and T. Harayama (Japan Adv. Inst. of Sci. and Tech.)
- Labeling Downtown
G. Neyer (ETH Zurich) and F. Wagner (Freie Un. Berlin)
- Semantical Counting Circuits
F. Noilhan and M. Santha (Un. of Paris Sud)
- The Hardness of Placing Street Names in a Manhattan Type Map
S. Seibert and W. Unger (RWTH Aachen)
- Speeding up Pattern Matching by Text Compression
Y. Shibata, T. Kida (Kyushu Un.), S. Fukamachi (Kiushu Inst. of Tech.), M. Takeda, A. Shinoara (Kyushu Un.), T. Shinoara (Kiushu Inst. of Tech.) and S. Arikawa (Kyushu Un.)
- Convergence Analysis of Simulated Annealing-Based Algorithms Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problems
K. Steinhofel (GMD), A. Albrecht and C. K. Wong (The Chinese Un. of Hong Kong)
- Triangulations without Minimum-Weight Drawing
C. A. Wang (Memorial Un. Of Newfoundland), F. Y. Chin (Un. of Hong-Kong) and B. Yang (Memorial Un. Of Newfoundland)
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