C I A C 2000

CIAC '97 Logo

4th Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity
March 1-3, 2000 Rome, Italy



At least one author for each accepted paper must register to the conference before December 3, 1999. Otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.


Registration fees:


Early Registration (before December 3)

Late Registration (after December 3)

Student fee: £ 280000 (145 EURO)

Student fee: £ 380000 (196 EURO)

Normal fee: £ 350000 (181 EURO)

Normal fee: £ 450000 (232 EURO)

Additional social dinner ticket (only for students): 25 EURO

Accompanying person ticket: 80 EURO


Registration fee includes proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches, social dinner (except for students) and a guided tour to a museum in Rome.

Students who wish to participate to the social dinner must pay an additional social dinner ticket for the price of 25 EURO.

The accompanying person ticket is inclusive of the social dinner and of the tour to the museum.



Registration procedure:

To register for CIAC 2000, please pay the registration fee, fill in the Registration Form and send it:


Note that the proof of your payment is necessary in order to complete the registration. You can send it:



Payments (in Italian Lire or European EURO) can be made by a bank transfer (Banca di Roma, Agenzia n°208, Via Po 52, 00198 ROMA, account number 651237/38, account name CIAC2000; for Italian participants only: ABI 3002, CAB 05016). Please make sure that the bank transfer is made net of all bank charges and commissions.


Cancellation Policy

50% of the registration fee will be refunded for all written cancellations postmarked no later than January 31, 2000. After that date no refund of registration fee will be provided.



Accomodations must be arranged on your own. We reserved a limited number of rooms for participiants to CIAC 2000 in some hotels near the conference site, but we encourage you to contact the hotel and to book a room as soon as possible.

Phone: +39-06-4991-8508/8312 Fax: +39-06-8541842

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