Corrado Böhm
C. Böhm, "Calculatrices digitales. Du déchiffrage des formules
mathématiques par la machine même dans la conception
du programme", Annali di Mat. pura e applicata , serie IV,
tomo XXXVII, 1-51, 1954.
C. Böhm, G. Jacopini, "Flow diagrams, Turing Machines and Languages with only Two Formation Rules", Comm. of the ACM , 9(5): 366-371,1966.
C. Böhm, "Alcune proprietà delle forme normali nel K calcolo", Pubbl. INAC , n. 696, Roma, 1968.
C. Böhm, A. Berarducci, "Automatic Synthesis of typed Lambda-programs on Term Algebras" Theoretical Computer Science , 39: 135-154, 1985.
C. Böhm, "Functional Programming and Combinatory algebras", MFCS , Carlsbad, Czecoslovakia, eds M.P. Chytil, L. Janiga and V. Koubek, LNCS 324, 14-26, 1988.