Aims and Scope of the Conference
The 5th Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity covers research in computational complexity and in the use, design, and analysis of efficient algorithms and data structures as it is carried out in computer science, discrete applied mathematics, biology, economics and finance, and discrete optimization.
Papers are solicited describing original results in all areas of algorithmic research including, but not limited to:
sequential, parallel and distributed algorithms,
on-line algorithms,
approximation algorithms,
randomized algorithms,
graph algorithms,
analysis of algorithms,
implementation and application of algorithms,
algorithms for selfish agents,
computational biology,
computational complexity,
computational finance,
communication networks,
computational geometry,
data structures,
discrete optimization,
efficient mechanism design,
mathematical programming,
quantum algorithms.
Invited Speakers C.E.
Leiserson (Cambridge), D. Peleg (Rehovot), M.O. Rabin (Cambridge
and Jerusalem), J.E. Savage (Providence), L. Trevisan (Berkeley).
Program Committee |
Organizing Committee |
A. Brandstadt (Rostock - Germany) | G. Bongiovanni (Rome) | |
T. Calamoneri (Rome - Italy) | I. Finocchi (Rome) | |
A. Clementi (Rome - Italy) | A. Monti (Rome) | |
R. Giancarlo (Palermo - Italy) | R. Petreschi (Rome) | |
R. Grossi (Pisa - Italy) | R. Silvestri (Chair, Rome) | |
K. Iwama (Kyoto - Japan) | ||
C. Kaklamanis (Patras - Greece) | ||
K. Jansen (Kiel - Germany) | ||
A. Marchetti - Spaccamela (Rome - Italy) | ||
G. Persiano (Chair, Salerno - Italy) | ||
Y. Rabani (Haifa - Israel) | ||
J.L. Szwarcfiter (Rio de Janeiro - Brasil) | ||
P. Toth (Bologna - Italy) | ||
J. Urrutia (Mexico City - Mexico) | ||
G. J. Woeginger (Twente - The Netherlands) | ||
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 12 pages to arrive before December 10, 2002. Further information can be found here. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences with published proceedings are not allowed.
The proceedings volume is published in the LNCS series by Springer Verlag and is accessible online at the address:
The journal Theory of Computing Systems will publish a special issue devoted to selected papers from ciac2003.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: December 10, 2002
Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2003
Final manuscript due: March 26, 2003
Conference: May 28-30, 2003
Fax: +39-06-8541842