5th Conference on Algorithms and Complexity
May 28-30, 2003 Rome, Italy

Registration form


Please, send the completed form by e-mail to ciac2003@dsi.uniroma1.it (preferable) or by fax to +39-06-8541842.
A payment proof is also required in order to complete the registration. Please, send it by fax to +39-06-8541842.

Payments can be made by bank transfer (Banca di Roma, Agenzia n° 208, Via Po 52, 00198 Roma, account number 651237/38, SWIFT number BROMITRF046; for Italian participants only: ABI 3002/3, CAB 05016/1). Please make sure to specify "CIAC 2003 registration" in the bank transfer and that the bank transfer is made net of all bank charges and commissions.

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Affiliation (as it should appear on the name tag): ______________________________________________________________


Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________




Telephone (including country code): _________________________________________________________________________

Fax n.: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you a student? _______ Yes _______No

Are you author of an accepted paper? _______ Yes _______No

If yes, please specify the title: ______________________________________________________________________________


Special Requests (meals, discapacities):  ______________________________________________________________________


Payment information:

Early Registration
(before March 20)
Late Registration
(after March 20)
_______ Student fee: € 120
_______ Student fee: € 170
_______ Normal fee: € 320
_______ Normal fee: € 370
Additional tickets for social events
_______ Students: € 60
_______ Accompanying persons: € 100


Total payment: _________________________

Date of payment:


Fax: +39-06-8541842

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