TaxoEmbed is a supervised distributional framework for hypernym discovery which operates at the sense level, enabling large-scale automatic acquisition of disambiguated taxonomies. TaxoEmbed exploits semantic regularities between hyponyms and hypernyms in embeddings spaces to learn a hypernym transformation matrix, and integrates a domain clustering algorithm to produce domain-specific models that are sensitive to the target data. Experiments on ten different domains show that TaxoEmbed is flexible and robust enough to accommodate heterogeneous training pairs, drawn from manually curated knowledge bases as well as OIE-derived resources.
Luis Espinosa Anke, José Camacho Collados, Claudio Delli Bovi and Horacio Saggion.
Supervised Distributional Hypernym Discovery via Domain Adaptation. Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 424–435, Austin, Texas, USA, 1-5 November 2016.
Luis Espinosa-Anke
luis [dot] espinosa [at] upf [dot] edu
José Camacho Collados
collados [at] di.uniroma1 [dot] it
Claudio Delli Bovi
dellibovi [at] di.uniroma1 [dot] itbn:17381128n
Horacio Saggion
horacio [dot] saggion [at] upf [dot] edu
Last update: Apr 26th 2017 by Claudio Delli Bovi