[ACLPUB meta File]

	- Previous online version:
		- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/ACLPUB.meta.html

ACLPUB meta file will be announced soon.

The ACLPUB uses a 'meta' file (in your local proceedings
direcory) to configure the generation of the CDROM image
when you issue the 'make cdrom' instructions.

It will also use the following fields to generate
the BibTex entries for the papers:
abbrev, booktitle, month, year, location, bib_url.
(See the explanations for format below.)

The publication chairs may provide you with a customized
meta file for your workshop/conference, or you can create

Please check the correctness of the data carefully.
In particular, the personal information of the chairs
should be given as correct and as much as possible.
You can insert additional chairs into the file if necessary.

The 'meta' file has the following format:
(** Don't use capitalized field names such as 'Booktitle'.
They may introduce errors.)
abbrev		ACL
title 		51th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
url		http://acl2013.org/
booktitle	Proceedings of the 51th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
month		August
year		2013
location	Sofia, Bulgaria
chairs		Jan Haji\v{c} (Charles University, Prague, Czech), General Chair
chairs		Sandra Carberry (University of Delaware, USA), Program Co-Chair
chairs		Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge, UK), Program Co-Chair
chairs		Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden), Local Arrangements Chair
bib_url		http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P13-1%03d
abbrev: an abbreviation of your workshop/conference name 

	- will be used as the prefix of the PDF and BIB filenames
		when the PDF files are re-sorted by the time of the program schedule


	- so ACLPUB will generate CONFERENCE or WORKSHOP PROGRAM, among other things

title: conference/workshop title

	- will be used to generate the HTML title/header of the program schedule
		(program.html) and author index (authors.html)

url: URL of your official web site

	- will be used in the *.html files to direct to your official site

booktitle: title of the proceedings

	- will be used as the header of the paper index (index.html) of the CDROM image

month/year/location: data and time and hosting city/university

chairs: program chairs

	- and other chairs who should be listed on the paper index (index.html)
		of the CDROM image
		- such as local chairs of main conference and advisory chairs of SRW

	- normally take the form of "Name (Affiliation), Position"
		such as shown in the above example

	- special characters should be encoded as LaTex's special characters

bib_url: the format of the URL for a paper (to be used in archivig your papers
	to the ACL Anthology digital archive

	- will be used in the BIB files to refer to the whole proceedings
		and individual papers

	- requested by the publication chairs to the ACL Anthology administrator