Igor Melatti

Curriculum in PDF
  • Education
  • Working at the University as a Post-Doc
  • Papers
  • Tools
  • Teaching (classes)
  • Office

    Current position

    Assistant Professor (i.e., Ricercatore Universitario) at the Computer Science Department of the Sapienza University of Rome.


  • 06/06/2005: PhD in Informatica ed Applicazioni (Computer Science and Applications), at the Dipartimento di Informatica (Department of Computer Science) of the Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. (Faculty of Sciences) of the University of L'Aquila. The PhD thesis has the following title: "Explicit Algorithms for Probabilistic Model Checking", advisor Prof. Benedetto Intrigila. The PhD program lasted three years, with a scholarship of the Italian Ministry of the Instruction.
  • 04/10/2001: degree in Informatics with the maximum score "cum laude", at the Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. (Faculty of Sciences) of the University of L'Aquila. The thesis's title was "Uso di SPIN in un approccio probabilistico alla verifica automatica di sistemi concorrenti" ("Using a probabilistic approach in the automatical verification of concurrent systems with SPIN"), and the relator was the Prof. Enrico Tronci
  • 1997: degree in Piano with the highest score
  • 1995: degree of "maturità classica" (upper school teaching also ancient Greek and Latin), with the highest score

    Working at the University as a Post-Doc

  • Since 02/01/2006 he holds a Post-Doc position at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Rome, Italy), supervisor Prof. Enrico Tronci.
  • From 07/11/2005 to 12/31/2005 he had a "Post Doctoral Research Associate" position at the School of Computing of the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT, USA), supervisor Prof. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan.

    Published papers

    A complete list of published articles may be found at this link. Partial lists are available here (Google Scholar) or here (DBLP) or here (ISI Web of Knowledge, only available to subscribers) or here (Scopus, only available to subscribers).

    Research Software

    See the Model Checking Group page.

    Teaching (classes)

    As an assistant professor

    University of Roma ``La Sapienza'': Informatics for Statistics (academic year 2011/2012 and 2012/2013).
    He gave lessons in the class of Operating Systems, second module, in the academic year 2010/2011.

    As a Post-Doc

    University of Roma ``La Sapienza''

    He gave lessons in the following classes:
  • Academic year 2007/2008: Programmazione 1 (First exam of Programming)
  • Academic year 2006/2007: Programmazione 1 (First exam of Programming)
    Ha tenuto cicli di seminari all'interno dei seguenti corsi:
  • Academic year 2006/2007: Programmazione ad Oggetti

    School of Computing of the University of Utah

    He gave lessons in the following classes:
  • in the Model Checking class (CS 6964, Fall 2005)
  • inside the AMPS seminars (Programming Languages and Systems Seminar, CS 7931, Fall 2005, this is the new series)

    University of Roma ``Tor Vergata''

    He gave lessons in the ``Metodi Formali per la Verifica dei Sistemi Complessi'' (Formal Methods for the Verification of Complex Systems, accademic year 2005/2006) class

    As a PhD Student

    At the University of L'Aquila, he gave lessons inside the following classes:
  • Academic year 2004/2005: part of Metodi Formali per la Verifica di Sistemi Complessi (Model Checking)
  • Academic year 2003/2004: part of Architettura degli Elaboratori (computers' architecture)
  • Academic year 2003/2004: part of Metodi Formali per la Verifica di Sistemi Complessi (Model Checking)
  • Academic year 2002/2003: part of Architettura degli Elaboratori (computers' architecture)
  • Academic year 2001/2002: Laboratorio di Architettura degli Elaboratori (Lab of computers' architecture)


    Dipartimento di Informatica
    University of Rome "La Sapienza"
    Via Salaria 113,
    00198 Roma, Italy
    Email : lastname @ d i . u n i r o m a 1 . i t
    Phone: (+39) 49918431
    Url: http://www.dsi.uniroma1.it/~melatti/index.eng.html
