email: my surname, which is 4 letters long,
Research Interests
My research stems from the encounter between Semantics and (open) Information Extraction (OIE). My long term goal is to investigate knowledge acquisition methods from an OIE perspective together with semantically-grounded Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches. The main NLP tasks in which I'm interested are Word Sense Disambiguation, Entity Linking and Unsupervised Relation Extraction.
Work Experience
2015/05 - now: Playing with Bing at Microsoft in London
2014/06 - 2014/09: Internship at Google Research in Zürich
- Ricardo Usbeck, Michael Röder, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Ciro Baron, Andreas Both, Martin Brümmer, Diego Ceccarelli, Marco Cornolti, Didier Cherix, Bernd Eickmann, Paolo Ferragina, Christiane Lemke, Andrea Moro, Roberto Navigli, Francesco Piccinno, Giuseppe Rizzo, Harald Sack, René Speck, Raphaël Troncy, Jörg Waitelonis and Lars Wesemann, GERBIL - General Entity Annotation Benchmark Framework. Proc. of the 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015)
- Andrea Moro, Roberto Navigli, Francesco M. Tucci and Rebecca J. Passonneau, Annotating the MASC Corpus with BabelNet. Proc. of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), Reykjavik, Iceland, May 26-31, 2014
- Andrea Moro, Hong Li, Sebastian Krause, Feiyu Xu, Roberto Navigli and Hans Uszkoreit, Semantic Rule Filtering for Web-Scale Relation Extraction. Proc. of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Sydney, Australia, October 21-25, 2013 (Nominated for Best Student Paper Award)
- Nominated for Best Student Paper Award at ISWC 2013
- ISWC 2013 Student Travel Award
- Roberto Navigli and Andrea Moro, Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING2014)
- Roberto Navigli and Andrea Moro, Multilingual Semantic Processing with BabelNet. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI2014)
Program/Scientific Committee
*SEM2015, ACL2015, ANLP2014, CLIC2014, EKAW2014, EMNLP2014, FLAIRS-27, FLAIRS-28, ISWC2014(P&D), Language and Ontologies 2015, LD4IE2014, LREC2014, MSW2015, MWA2015, NLDB2015, SemEval-2015
AAAI2012, AAAI2013, ACL2013, Artificial Intelligence, CICLing2015, EACL2014, ESWC2015, Journal of Web Semantics, Natural Language Engineering, NORDICHI2012, NORDICHI2014, ROBUS-UNSUP2012, SOFSEM2013, WoWMoM2014, WWW2014.
Andrea Moro
Computer Science Department
Sapienza University of Rome
V.le Regina Elena 295
(Building F - room: F13)
phone: +39 06 4969 6169
email: my surname, which is 4 letters long,