distributed and networked systems, computer security and privacy.
phd students and postdocs
federico cernera, phd student
vincenzo imperati, phd student
alberto mongardini, postdoc
eugenio nerio nemmi, postdoc
francesco sassi, postdoc
massimo la morgia, assistant professor at Sapienza
federico scozzafava, Apple
adriano di luzio, Algorand
enis ulqinaku, senior researcher at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
sokol kosta, assistant professor at Aalborg University, Denmark
julinda stefa, Talend
vasile c. perta, Google
marco v. barbera, Facebook
antonio davoli, Facebook
natascia piroso, Amazon
vishwas patil, researcher at IIT Mumbai, India
professional activity
chairman of the council of the directors of department of Sapienza, 2018 - 2021.
director of the department of computer science of Sapienza, 2015 - 2021.
some events I am involved with: general co-chair of ACM CoNext 2022, tpc co-chair of ITASEC2022, general co-chair of IEEE MASS 2021, tpc member of IEEE ICWS 2024, IEEE Infocom 2024-2012, IEEE ICC 2023-2018, IEEE ICDCS 2018, ACM CoNext 2017, ACM WiSec 2017, and many others.
Google faculty research award, 2013.
IEEE Secon best demo award, 2013.
IEEE Infocom best demo award, 2013.
Marie Curie fellowship at UC San Diego and Sapienza, 2009-2011.
best paper award at IEEE IPDPS, 2002.
ee-systems outstanding research paper award of the USC, 2000.
best paper award in the algorithms and applications area at ACM/IEEE HiPC, 1998.
selected recent grants
Rapid: Heterogeneous Secure Multi-level Remote Acceleration Service for Low-Power Integrated Systems and Devices, H2020-ICT-2014-1, 2015-2018.
INF@NZIA DIGI.tales 3.6, Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation, Italian MIUR, 2014-2016.
Spai: Protecting Privacy in Internet Applications, Italian Ministry of Economic Development, 2015.
Google faculty award: Detecting traffic differentiation in broadband and mobile networks, Google Inc., 2013-2014.
Tropic: Distributed computing, storage and radio resource allocation over cooperative femtocells, FP7-ICT-2011-8, 2012-2015.
Iot-A: Internet of things - Architecture, FP7-ICT-2009-5, 2010-2013.
Rational: Secure Mobile Networks of Selfish Individuals, Marie Curie Fellowship, FP7-People-2009-IOF, 2010-2012.
alessandro mei
full professor
department of computer science
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy