Reading Groups
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This page contains information related to some study groups I have organised.

Obfuscation (2014)

The purpose of this reading group is to study recent papers on cryptographic obfuscation, and to present popular applications therein. The schedule for the study group is as follows:
  • Lecture 1. Speaker: Daniele Venturi. Date: 24/10/2014. Location: "Aula Seminari". Time: 2pm.

    In this lecture we presented a few natural ways how to define secure program obfuscation (for both circuits and Turing machines), and showed that "virtual black-box" generic purpose obfuscation is impossible (unconditionally).

    Reading: B. Barak, O. Goldreich, R. Impagliazzo, S. Rudich, A. Sahai, S. Vadhan, and K. Yang. "On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs". Crypto 2001 and JACM 2012.

    Handouts for this lecture are available here.

  • Lecture 2. Speaker: Antonio Faonio. Date: 31/10/2014. Location: "Aula Seminari". Time: 11am.

    Basic appliations of indistinguishability obfuscation: IND-CPA/IND-CCA PKE from iO and OWFs. Puncturable PRFs. Impossibility of iO in Pessiland.

    Reading: A. Sahai, and B. Waters. "How to use indistinguishability obfuscation: deniable encryption, and more". STOC 2014.

    Tal Moran and Alon Rosen. " There is no Indistinguishability Obfuscation in Pessiland". Cryptology ePrint Archive 2014.

  • Lecture 3. (Virtual) Speaker: Sanjam Garg. Date: 07/11/2014. Location: "Aula Riunioni". Time: 2pm.

    Candidate construction of iO for all circuits and more applications. We will watch the talk Sanjam gave for TCS+ (available here).

    Reading: S. Garg, C. Gentry, S. Halevi, M. Raykova, A. Sahai, and B. Waters. " Candidate Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption for all circuits". FOCS 2013.

    S. Garg, C. Gentry, A. Sahai, and B. Waters. " Witness Encryption and its Applications". STOC 2013.

  • Lecture 4. Speaker: Bernardo Magri. Date: 14/11/2014. Location: "Aula Riunioni". Time: 1pm.

    How to replace a random oracle using iO: The case of FDH signatures. Slides are available here.

    Reading: S. Hohenberger, A. Sahai, and B. Waters. " Replacing a Random Oracle: Full Domain Hash From Indistinguishability Obfuscation". Eurocrypt 2014.

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