Amazon Alexa Claudio Delli Bovi Claudio Delli Bovi
WARNING! Since March 2018 I have left Sapienza, and it's likely that I won't update this webpage anymore. At some point I will probably open another page somewhere else; if you're interested, feel free to reach me on a social network (see "Contacts" button below) or just shoot me an email!

Claudio Delli Bovi

mail toboviclau AT amazon DOT com

dellibovi AT di DOT uniroma1 DOT it
Applied Scientist @, Alexa Machine Learning
Ph.D. from LCL group, Sapienza University of Rome

About Me

I obtained my Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science at Sapienza University of Rome, where I worked with the Linguistic Computing Laboratory (LCL) under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Navigli.

My research interests span various areas in Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics and revolve around Lexical Semantics in Natural Language Understanding. I have been working on Unsupervised Information Extraction, Language Modeling and Word Sense Disambiguation.


KBUnifyKBUnify: Knowledge Base Unification
DefIEDefIE: Open Information Extraction from textual definitions
DefIESEW: A Semantically Enriched Wikipedia
TaxoEmbedTaxoEmbed: Supervised Domain-aware Hypernym Discovery
EuroSense: Multilingual Sense Annotations from Europarl


Jun 2017-Jan 2018: Co-Organizer of the SemEval-2018 Task 9 competition on Hypernym Discovery: all the details here!
A.Y. 2014/2015, 2015/2016: Teaching Assistant for the MSc course Natural Language Processing @ Sapienza
A.Y. 2014/2015, 2015/2016: Teaching Assistant for the BSc course Metodologie di Programmazione [Object-Oriented Programming] @ Sapienza
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Last update: Apr 28th 2018 by Claudio Delli Bovi