Most recent
On data skewness, stragglers, and MapReduce progress indicators. With E. Coppa.
To appear in Proc. ACM SoCC 2015,
6th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing.
Clique counting in MapReduce: algorithms and experiments.
With M. Finocchi and E. G. Fusco.
To appear in ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics (ACM JEA).
[Clique counter GitHub repository]
Mining hot calling contexts in small space.
With D. C. D'Elia and C. Demetrescu.
To appear in Software: Practice and Experience. Preliminary version appeared in PLDI 2011, 32nd ACM SIGPLAN
Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.
[PLDI paper]
Resilient dynamic programming.
With S. Caminiti, E. G. Fusco, and F. Silvestri. To appear in Algorithmica. Preliminary results appeared in FSTTCS 2011,
31st Conference
on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, and STACS 2011,
28th Int. Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science.
[FSTTCS paper][STACS slides, by S. Caminiti]
Input-sensitive profiling.
With E. Coppa and C. Demetrescu.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE), 40(12), 1185-1205, 2014.
Preliminary version appeared in PLDI 2012,
33rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.
[AProf project Web site] [Conference paper pdf 462KB] [slides pdf 1.4MB] [poster pdf 964KB]
Reactive Imperative Programming with Dataflow Constraints.
With C. Demetrescu and A. Ribichini.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (ACM TOPLAS), 37(1), 1-53, 2014.
Conference version received a distinguished paper award at OOPSLA 2011 (26th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications).
[pdf 641KB]
Estimating the Empirical Cost Function of Routines with Dynamic Workloads.
With E. Coppa, C. Demetrescu, and R. Marotta.
In Proc. CGO 2014,
12th Annual IEEE/ACM Int. Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 230-239, 2014.
[AProf project Web site] [pdf 328KB]
Software streams: big data challenges in dynamic program analysis.
In Proc. CiE 2013,
9th Conference on Computability in Europe, extended abstract of the invited talk at the Special Session on Data Streams and Compression, LNCS 7921, 124-134, 2013.
[pdf 128KB] [slides pdf 3.1MB]
K-calling context profiling.
With G. Ausiello, C. Demetrescu, and D. Firmani.
In Proc. OOPSLA 2012,
27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 47(10), 867-878, 2012.
[pdf 628KB]
Resilient dictionaries.
With F. Grandoni and G. F. Italiano.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 6(1), 2009.
Preliminary version in ACM-SIAM SODA'07 and ESA'07.
[pdf 212KB]
Trading off space for passes in graph streaming problems.
With C. Demetrescu and A. Ribichini.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 6(1), 2009.
Preliminary version in ACM-SIAM SODA'06.
[pdf 236KB]
The price of resiliency: a case study on sorting with memory faults.
With U. Ferraro Petrillo and G. F. Italiano. Algorithmica, 53(4), 597-620, 2009.
Special issue devoted to the best papers of ESA'06.
[pdf 640KB]
Optimal resilient sorting and searching in the presence of dynamic memory faults.
With F. Grandoni and G. F. Italiano. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(44), 4457-4470, 2009.
Special issue devoted to the best papers of ICALP'06.
[pdf 280KB]
Sorting and searching in faulty memories.
With G. F. Italiano. Algorithmica, 52(3), 309-332, 2008.
Preliminary version in ACM STOC'04.
[pdf 252KB] [ps 150KB (conference version)] [slides ppt 310KB]
On coding labeled trees.
With S. Caminiti and R. Petreschi.
Theoretical Computer Science, 382(2), 97-108, 2007.
Special issue devoted to the best papers of LATIN'04.
12th most dowloaded paper of TCS in July - September 2007.
[pdf 392KB] [pdf 210KB (conference version)]
Designing reliable algorithms in unreliable memories.
With F. Grandoni and G. F. Italiano.
Computer Science Review, 1(2), 77-87, 2007.
Preliminary version in ESA'05.
[pdf 260KB]
Conflict-free star access in parallel memory systems.
With S. K. Das and R. Petreschi.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 66(11), 1431-1441, 2006.
Preliminary version in IEEE IPDPS'04.
[pdf 264KB]
Crossing-constrained hierarchical drawings.
Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 4(2), 299-312, 2006.
Preliminary version in COCOON'01.
[pdf 167KB (conference version)]
Structure-preserving hierarchical decompositions.
With R. Petreschi.
Theory of Computing Systems, 38(6), 687-700, 2005.
Preliminary version in COCOON'01.
[pdf 139KB (conference version)]
An experimental analysis of simple, distributed vertex coloring algorithms.
With A. Panconesi and R. Silvestri.
Algorithmica, 41(1), 1-23, 2004.
Preliminary version in ACM-SIAM SODA'02.
[pdf 305KB (conference version)]
[slides ppt 290KB]
A Java-based system for building animated presentations over the Web.
With V. Bonifaci, L. Laura, and C. Demetrescu.
Science of Computer Programming, 53(1), 37-49, 2004.
Special issue devoted to the best papers of AICCSA'03 Java workshop,
Practice and experience with Java programming in education.
Divider-based algorithms for hierarchical tree partitioning.
With R. Petreschi.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 136(2/3), 227-247, 2004.
Special issue devoted to the best papers of CTW'01.
[ps.gz 150KB]
Algorithm engineering.
With C. Demetrescu and G. F. Italiano.
Bulletin of the EATCS,
Algorithmics Column, 79, 48-63, 2003. Invited contribution.
[ps 248KB]
Combinatorial algorithms for feedback problems in directed graphs.
With C. Demetrescu.
Information Processing Letters, 86(3), 129-136, 2003.
[pdf 220KB]
Breaking cycles for minimizing crossings.
With C. Demetrescu.
ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics, 6(2), 2002.
Special issue devoted to the best papers of ALENEX'00.
On max cut in cubic graphs.
With T. Calamoneri, Y. Manoussakis, and R. Petreschi.
Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 17(3), 165-183, 2001.
Preliminary version in ASIAN'99.
[ps.gz 130KB]
Smooth animation of algorithms in a declarative framework.
With C. Demetrescu.
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 12(3), 253-281, 2001.
Special issue devoted to the best papers of IEEE VL'99.
Reversible execution and visualization of programs with Leonardo.
With P. Crescenzi, C. Demetrescu, and R. Petreschi.
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 11(2), 125-150, 2000.
Preliminary version in WAE'97.
[ps.gz 465KB]
Handbook chapters and monographs
Algorithms for data streams.
With C. Demetrescu.
In Handbook of Applied Algorithms: Solving Scientific, Engineering,
and Practical Problems, John Wiley and Sons. Chapter 13. A. Nayak and I. Stojmenovic, eds., 2007.
[pdf 290KB]
Dynamic trees.
With C. Demetrescu and G. F. Italiano.
In Handbook of Data Structures and Applications, CRC Press series in
Computer and Information Science. Chapter 35.
D. Mehta and S. Sahni, eds., 2005.
Dynamic graphs.
With C. Demetrescu and G. F. Italiano.
In Handbook of Data Structures and Applications, CRC Press series in
Computer and Information Science. Chapter 36.
D. Mehta and S. Sahni, eds., 2005.
Dynamic graph algorithms.
With C. Demetrescu and G. F. Italiano.
In Handbook of Graph Theory, CRC Press series in Discrete Mathematics
and Its Applications. Chapter 10.2, 985-1014.
J. Yellen and J. L.Gross, eds., 2004.
Visualization in algorithm engineering: tools and techniques.
With C. Demetrescu, G. F. Italiano, and S. Naeher.
In Experimental Algorithmics: From Algorithm
Design to Robust and Efficient Software, LNCS 2547, 24-50.
R. Fleischer, B. Moret, and E. Meineche Schmidt, eds., 2002.
[pdf 920KB]
Algorithm visualizations: interesting events or state mapping?.
With C. Demetrescu and J. T. Stasko.
In Software Visualization, LNCS 2269, chapter 1, 16-30.
S. Diehl ed., 2002.
[ps.gz 172KB]
Conferences (not appeared in journals, starting from 2001)
Experimental study of resilient algorithms and data structures.
With U. Ferraro Petrillo and G. F. Italiano.
In Proc. SEA'10, 9th Int. Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, LNCS 6049, 1-12, 2010.
Engineering tree labeling schemes: a case study on least common ancestors.
With S. Caminiti and R. Petreschi.
In Proc. ESA'08, 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, LNCS 5193, 234-245, 2008.
A note on algebraic hypercube colorings.
With E. G. Fusco and R. Petreschi.
In Proc. IEEE ITNG'08, 5th Fifth Int. Conference on
Information Technology, 869-874, 2008.
A data-driven graphical toolkit for software visualization.
With C. Demetrescu.
In Proc. ACM SOFTVIS'06, 3rd ACM Symposium on Software
Visualization, 57-66, 2006.
Visual editing of animated algorithms: the Leonardo Web Builder.
With V. Bonifaci, C. Demetrescu, and L. Laura.
In Proc. AVI'06, 8th Int. Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces,
476-479, 2006.
Graph coloring with distance constraints.
With T. Calamoneri and R. Petreschi.
In Proc. PDPTA'05, Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications, 178-184, 2005.
Portraying algorithms with Leonardo Web.
With V. Bonifaci, C. Demetrescu, G. F. Italiano, and L. Laura.
In Proc. Web-based Learning '05, LNCS 3807, 73-83, 2005.
A portable virtual machine for program debugging and directing.
With C. Demetrescu.
In Proc. ACM SAC'04, 19th ACM Symp. on Applied Computing,
track on Software Engineering: Applications, Practices, and Tools, 1524-1530, 2004.
[pdf 150KB]
[slides ppt 320KB]
Graph sketches.
With J. Abello and J. Korn.
In Proc. IEEE INFOVIS'01, 7th IEEE Symp. on Information
Visualization, 67-70, 2001.
[ps.gz 168KB]
Hierarchical clustering of trees: algorithms and experiments.
With R. Petreschi.
In Proc. ALENEX'01, 3rd SIAM Workshop on Algorithm
Engineering and Experimentations, LNCS 2153, 117-131, 2001.
[pdf 319KB]
PhD Thesis
Hierarchical decompositions for visualizing large graphs.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Department
of Computer Science, XIII-02-1, February 2002.